I am a passionate and results-driven Software Engineer with a strong background in full-stack development and a focus on Java, Spring Boot, Python, Javascript, Angular, and React. With a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Arlington, I have gained valuable experience in developing innovative solutions and optimizing performance in various industries. As an Associate Software Engineer at Siemens Digital Industries Software, I successfully developed RESTful APIs, resolved critical bugs, and led a team in a hackathon. During my Software Engineer Internship at Streamsets Inc., I built search features, optimized application performance, and implemented automated testing. My skills extend to cloud platforms like AWS, GCP, Azure and Kubernetes, and I have experience with various frameworks and tools. I am committed to delivering high-quality software solutions that drive productivity and enhance the user experience.
As a Frontend developer, my work involved working on new features; improving performance by applying techniques like pagination, lazy loading; migrating the app from one styling library to another; writing automated tests for the features developed. During this time, I sharpened my skills in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Angular. I also learned new technologies like Cypress. The internship spanned for almost a year and coincided with my master's degree.
A pivoting event in my career where I began my software development journey. I was inducted as a Graduate Trainee Engineer and transitioned to Associate Software Engineer. Working on products like Siemens Teamcenter PLM software and Siemens Additive Manufacturing Network, I leanred programming in professional setup. Learning new techniologies on the go, I developed my skills in C++, Java, Spring Boot, Angular, JMeter. As a fullstack developer, I also had my first encounter with cloud computing in the form of Amazon Web Services - EC2, S3, Cloudwatch.
Built a spotify clone music app using React, Tailwind CSS, Redux, Rapid API. Featured the app with sleek homepage, robust music player, advanced search, lyrics integration, & song exploration. Personalized music recommendations based on user location & included access to global top charts.
Built a microservices architecture based E-Commerce Application with Product, Order, Inventory & Notification Services. Secured the application with OAuth2 using KeyCloak. Utilized Apache Kafka for event-driven architecture. Applied system design principles of API Gateway, Service Discovery, Distributed Tracing, Circuit Breaking, Monitoring & Logging. State of art Spring Boot Microservices architecture project.
Streamline your work with my Project Management App with features like Kanban board, Data Analytics & Visualization, Productivity calculator. Designed backend in Java, Spring Boot by developing REST APIs to be consumed by Angular services. Displayed data on dashboards like Kanban Board developed in Angular components. Deployed the app on Kubernetes cluster and integrated with GCP SQL, Storage & Big Query for data analytics
It is a Program Analysis Tool for Ethereum smart contracts written in Solidity. Tailored SaaS app for grammar-based program analysis of Solidity by implementing features like linting, code metrics, and highlighting security vulnerabilities for Ethereum smart contracts (e.g., Reentrancy, DoS attacks).